
'Turbulence'....Maxx with an extra X

'Turbulence'....Maxx with an extra X On the cusp of my sons 16th birthday the Author Kahlil Gibran springs to mind
“Your Children are not your children they are lifes longing for itself.”
15 years a single parent and touring mum! Two impossible Jobs! To EVERYBODY who crossed our path and helped THANK YOU X How grateful am I to this wee soul for joining me on my journey. He has been my rock, my anchor ,a massive source of fun and joy. This song was written a year ago as we weathered the storms of turbulence that teenage years bring. One year on I can see the child fade and the man emerge…….What an epic journey. When he gets to 18, it will nearly be time for me to leave home and hit the touring road again:-)). For Max, the most beautiful human who was brave enough to let me be his mum ……..Happy 16th Birthday! ........Keep your eyes peeled for the new album "Tidal" due in 2020! X all my love Ursula

Ps We got CAKE!


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