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In this video I'm going to show you the problem with twin flame understandings....why so many people put this idea on a pedestal and end up blocking them from experiencing something that could be amazing in their life....I'm going to show you exactly how to bypass that belief system.
Welcome back to another video my name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now in this video I'm going to be showing you a paradigm that goes beyond that of understanding twin flames and understanding that in a way, the problem with thinking about twin flames....
The way that most people do, and I say this because just yesterday I was on a Q&A for one of my coaching groups. And one thing I noticed is that a lot of people were asking about twin flame energies and and asking about their connection to twin flames.
What I recognized is that many people may actually be vibrationally separating themselves from experiencing amazing things in their life because of this idea. Now here's the thing. Our beliefs create our experience. Now, what a lot of times happens is some people will look at this idea of a twin flame, which in a way implies the other half of our soul....
Which already from that frame of a belief system is saying, I am one half of a soul and I will then be complete when I find my other half of the soul. At least that's the traditional way that people understand the twin flame energies, and the point of this is understanding that when we have that interpretation of it....
Vibrationally separates ourselves from actually connecting to ourself in a deeper level, and I've kind of shared this before as well, but it's almost like this idea when looking for a twin flame, it's like I'm looking for my twin flame, and in a way it's like every single person you date, you're asking yourself and comparing them to your twin flame....
We may not always actually incarnate with what we could call our twin flame. We may, we may not. Who knows? We don't really exactly know what twin flame energy is. We do know that we are infinite spiritual beings have in temporary human experiences. From what I understand about twin flames from watching someone like Bashar....
Somebody listening to someone like Edgar Casey. The idea of a twin flame is that many times if twin flames do incarnate together, it's to do some type of work together. Some type of it compliments each other in a powerful way. Bashar has also said, who's a channeled by, you know Daryl Anka channels Bashar....
He's talked about how sometimes twin flame energy can also be a divine counterpart, which means in a way, think of it like the oversoul and then after the oversoul you have higher selves, which is like the higher version of us that it has many similar timelines and the idea behind this is that what we could call a twin flame or a divine counterpart.
It's just closer on that triad going down. It's almost like you share the same higher self in a way. From my understanding, that's what the potential of what I think a twin flame energy could be. However, I don't know for certain. Now. What I do know is that I see so many people that could be an amazing relationships, but what they do is they compare the person they're with and they say, are you my twin flame?
Imagine that there's this book, this Dr Seuss book that I used to read when I was a kid and it was like a this little, it's like, are you my mother? It was like this little chick or something like that that was like asking everything, are you? My mother was asking like some type of a human, are you my mother asking like a bottle of water? See a bottle of water.
That's why I said, are you my mother? Are you very mother? And the same way, it's like some people are like, are you my twin flame? Are you my twin flame? Are you my twin flame? And what happens is when you're always comparing the person you're meeting two twin flame and scene thinking or you went to inflame, you didn't immediately put that person on a huge pedestal and say, I really, really expect things to happen....
Adventures by A Himitsu
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