
Old Time's Past R3TRO Diss (Get With The Times)

Old Time's Past R3TRO Diss (Get With The Times) "You know what ima release it." No terms of harassment were made in the music video. All parts of the song were made to inform not to degrade. Enjoy folks, this ones a banger! 🔥

Welcome to Sock's network servers! All 4 are all great servers and they all have many qerks and features... All of them have equally great people but all will make your cheeks flap in the great wind of God himself. All of our staff is moderately nontoxic. I dont let the mods do whatever the fuck because that's bullshit. If I see crazy shit I usually catch it.

The Hyped Sock Network is a server I made for my friend hyped but it is ran by me and a few other people... We have bots for memes, NSFW and even *FREE POKEMON AND GENNING AND BATTLING AND TOURNAMENTS WITH LARGE PRIZES!

Don't you think we won't butter up your ass cheeks for nothing! Because baby we have 3 more. is a server freshly made from the depths of the dankest memes alive. FREE POKEMON GENNING SERVICE, BATTLING, TRADING, MEMES, TOURNAMENTS, SMASH BROS.

The next server is "Hyped Go Network

The next server on the chopping block is the "Hyped Gamer Go Network" which features a place for spoofing and real legit players who wanna look for a community to do raids, trade or even learn how to spoof. Hows that for your insecurity.

Last but probably the greatest fucking creation on the planet is my mainland server which is the "Savage Sock Discord Server" its a pretty great server it even gets my dick hard at night if you know what I mean. Has alot of giveaways of mass amounts of pokemon. Im giving away alot of shit for my YouTube which is connected to all of my discords...
This one also features FREE GENNING and for a LIMITED TIME** we're holding a tournament for alot of free genning services. Sounds like a great deal and I desperately need members to keep this constant erection. Hope you join, we will make your stay shock your cock and never stop.

R3TRO Diss Music Song Savage Sock Hyped Gamer Network R3TRO Soul Yume Neo Bumpty R3TROSOUL,

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