
Kobesta's Big chop the actual chop after 5 years of growing his hair to donate to Variety.

Kobesta's Big chop the actual chop after 5 years of growing his hair to donate to Variety. Hey my name is Kobe, I am 11 years old.
I started growing my hair when I was in year 2, I'm in year 6 now.
At first I just wanted to grow my hair long as I thought I'd suit it and it would look cool. Never did I ever think it would grow to my butt!
I went to the hair dressers one day to get it cut but then I said to Mum "I can't do it, it's too much to lose!". This is when Mum mentioned to me about donating my hair and raising money to help children within Australia who have medical conditions.
We walked out of the hair dressers and chatted a bit more about it. That's when I decided that this is what I was going to do.
You see, my little brother passed away just before my 5th birthday. He donated some of his organs and saved lives by doing this!
Now that I've grown a bit older I understand how amazing and important the decision was about my little brother donating his organs. I mean he gave families back their loved ones, what could ever beat that?!! Imagine if someone could have saved and given me my little brother back!
I'm so proud of my little brother in saving the lives he did and I want to follow in his footsteps and make him proud of me too.
I know that donating my hair and raising money won't save lives, but at least it will help make a child that's lost their hair feel more self confident in having hair again.
The money raised will help get some equipment that a child or children need too.
So I have made the decision to make a difference by cutting and donating my hair to be made into a wig for someone who has lost their hair due to a medical condition.
My hair is really annoying me now, and I don't like it at all when Mum brushes it!
Everyone has been saying for ages "Cut your hair Kobe you look like a girl." Even when I'm in a shop or something people say comments like "What can I get you Princess." hahaha It doesn't bother me though, I just laugh.
It's been fun. But now that time has come to do my part and get the big chop done.
One person I really wanted to be there when I have my hair cut was my Nonno, but he passed away a few months ago now. He always touched my hair and asked when I'm getting it cut. He said I looked like a girl too! hahaha so here you go Nonno the time is coming and I hope I make you proud as well.
I don't know the length of hair I'll be donating yet as it will probably grow more by the time I get it cut! It will be heaps long though, I have a lot of hair! I kinda want a mullet when I get it cut I think, I dunno.
The cut is booked in for Friday 15th of November 2019 at around 5pm.
Mum and our friend that is helping said let's aim big! She likes to go all in or nothing and I guess I'm kinda the same.
So please share this page everywhere you can. I want to make a difference and do what I can.
Thankyou for reading my story I heaps appreciate it.
Cheers Kobesta.
Wigs cost families up to $6,000, lasting 1-2 years, meaning families can spend tens of thousands of dollars on the purchase of wigs throughout a child’s youth. By making a donation to Variety - the Children's Charity, you can help provide a wig or other vital equipment to a child in need. Thank you for helping kids in need.


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