
5 Questions You Need To Answer to Be Profitable in Business

5 Questions You Need To Answer to Be Profitable in Business If you have a business or are looking to start a business and you want to be profitable and successful, here are the 5 questions you need to know in order to succeed and be profitable.

Most of the time we are advised to write a business plan but who has time for that.

We just want to get right out there and start selling and servicing our customers and most importantly, making money.

Unfortunately if you don't have a business plan, you are driving a car without a GPS with a destination to nowhere.

Now I'm not encouraging you to go our and hire a consultant for a fancy business plan in a binder that you're just going to stuff in your file cabinet.

All I want is to encourage you to answer these 5 questions for your business so you are clear on what you are doing.

1. What’s most important to my ideal customer when they’re buying what I’m selling?
2. How will I convert leads into sales?
3. Where does my ideal customer “hang out”? Where can I market to them at?
4. What are the top 3 things I need to achieve my goal?
5. What is my one year financial goal is for my business to make how much in the next 12 months?

If you answer these questions and stick to your plan, you have a much higher chance of being successful and profitable instead of just going at it blind.

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