
Meditation 101 How to Meditate, Frequently Asked Questions About Meditation, How to Quiet Your Mind

Meditation 101 How to Meditate, Frequently Asked Questions About Meditation, How to Quiet Your Mind Meditation was a life changing experience for me. When I truly began to master meditation- I saw a shift in my life that no words can express.

As a Shaman- meditation is different for me, since the veil into the spirit realm is easier for me to pass through than others.

Meditation is not a complicated process- don't become overwhelmed by the hype that has been placed on meditation. Anyone who says meditation is a complicated ritual or technique probably doesn't have a huge grasp on the concept of how meditation works with each individual person.

I use meditation to guide me through my life- and how to bring as many people healing energy as I can.

Meditation has been so helpful for me and my clients- and I want everyone to be able to meditate in a way that resonates with their souls.

Close your eyes, focus on your breathing and allow your mind to go blank.

Allow your imagination to lead you to where you need to be- and take note of any animals, symbolic people, places or objects and most importantly- listen to what these messages tell you.

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