
We Pay Rs 1 Crore To Facebook Every year

We Pay Rs 1 Crore To Facebook Every year This is mind blowing.

Three years ago, if you would have asked me that we would be earning Rs. 1 Crore every year then I wouldn't have even believed that.

Today, our annual investment on Facebook Ads is Rs. 1 Crores.
(Please read carefully - I have written Investment and not expense. It is an investment to grow our work and business. People need to understand this.)

Expensive is a subjective term.
A lot of people would say that spending Rs. 1 Crore on Facebook is sheer madness and not worth it.

I know the worth.
It gives us visibility, awareness and a lot of leads for our work.

People calculate Return on Investment.
I calculate the Visibility on Investment.

As long as you know how to sell, you'll always live a life full of satisfaction, growth and prosperity.

As long as you know how to sell, you'll always be able to afford living an extra ordinary life.

You got to ensure that people know you before you can empower them and have any association with them.

I am committed to change the mindset of people when it comes to money.
Stop saving your money and start investing it on your own self.

Learn how to get the attention to get massive results for yourself.

We (Saurabh Bhatnagar & I) would be teaching you how to get the attention and so much more at the Sales & Leadership Masterclass program.

- Here's the link to book your tickets for the Sales & Leadership Masterclass

Growth and productivity is all about SALES and increasing your revenue.

You got to realise that Sales & Leadership are the most prominent skills required by you to attain the highest level of success in your life.

These are recession proof, highest paying, most respected and the most desired skills all over the world.

We have taken the initiative to make you the most amazing sales person & a highly sought after leader.

Irrespective of your profession, you need to learn Sales to sell your own self (during interviews, promotions and job switch opportunities), your products, your services & your ideas to earn more money and respect.

Inviting you to attend the Sales & Leadership Masterclass in New Delhi.

- Here's the link to book your tickets for the Sales & Leadership Masterclass

Queries - 7906992513 || 9536712566 || 8126484760

You might be really good at your work but your growth will always be limited till the time you excel at Sales.
Sales is a necessity for everyone irrespective of the profession.
Whether you are an entrepreneur, working professional, self employed, student, home maker, business owner, digital marketer or a freelancer; SALES is a must.
It is a recession proof, extremely high paying noble profession.
Bringing to you the super effective “SALES & Leadership MASTERCLASS by Rahul Bhatnagar & Saurabh Bhatnagar”
Physical Mastermind Session (24 hours of learning)
12 Online Trainings (36 hours of learning till February 2020)
Affiliate program (get the opportunity to sell our programs)
Role plays
Objection handling
Asking the right questions
Selling one to one
Selling one to many
Selling over social media
Persuasion skills
Getting rid of top 150 objections
Selling over phone calls
Selling through sales copy
Presentation skills
Buyers’ mindset
Negotiation skills
Increase your Sales
Increase your Income
Q & A
Learn the art of influencing
Sales fundamentals
Closing techniques
Customer retention
Customer value journey
Fill your Sales pipeline
Email sequence
Massive follow up
Multiple streams of Income

- Here's the link to book your tickets for the Sales & Leadership Masterclass
Love ❤️ & Respect ✊
Rahul Bhatnagar

Earn money,Sales & Leadership Masterclass,Sales are easy,Online Sales,Selling strategy,Push hard,Sell confidently,mentorship,Rahul Bhatnagar,Saurabh Bhatnagar,Selling is serving,sell more confidently,leadership motivation,leadership skills,leadership,learn how to lead,Self investment,make more money,

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