
World Memon organisation-India Chapter organized Job fair in association with POONA HALAI MEMON J

World Memon organisation-India Chapter organized Job fair in association with POONA HALAI MEMON J Bumper Projects Of WMO NIC at Pune. WMO NIC and Pune Halai Memon Jamaat. Two days Events, Job Fair, Students Motivational Program and Matrimonial program The program was inaugurated by the hands of Mr Sameer Shaikh ACP Crime Pune. All the RMC members from WMO and all the Board Members Of Pune Halai Memon Jamaat were Present of these Events Around 56 Corporates across various industries Participate in the event Around 1575 candidate's have appeared for the interview and around 265 candidate's has got the appointment for the Jobs and 740 candidate's are selected for second round. The Motivational Program was also very gud program the speaker's Mr Gani Biba and Shehezad Bodila gave a very inspiring speeches respectively which motivated the Students of each and every facility.
The last event was of Matrimony for Boys and Girls of Memon Community around 250 Boys and Girls came from all over India and most of them has found their Matches respectively. It was a great Cordial Venture between WMO and Pune Halai Memon Jamaat.. *Mr. Ehsan Gadawala, President, WMO-India,* said “Organising this Job Fair is our small way of contributing for Nation Building. By helping unemployed youths get jobs, we help in Community development and thus development of the Nation. We look forward conducting more such Job Fairs in various cities in the coming days in association with AMP”. *Mr. Imran Lakhani, President - PHMJ,* said, “I was delighted with the overwhelming response towards the Job fair. PHMJ is very happy to associate with this noble cause which would lead towards the uplifment of the Community and Society”.


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