
Is this in reference to Young from the ESA on Westwood? 'Quan's' fake dead cousin wasn't on the ...

Is this in reference to Young from the ESA on Westwood?  'Quan's' fake dead cousin wasn't on the ... ... Popeyes ride with us. I saw "Quan" in passing at Universal on Dec 25, 2004, no other time. "Quan" was clearly annoyed by me on that ride and at the gift shop when we needed to purchase new clothes because we got wet.

"Quan" and his fake dead cousin were likely in Florida to help get another gang member off for murder with their fake Satanic Daycare Panic story, NOT to see me. I likely became an excuse for them to crisscross the country getting gang members off with fake Satanic Daycare Panic stories so they could move up the ranks in the gang.

Red Raincoat...Bloods?


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