
I’m Going Through a Personal Problem, and I Brought It Upon Myself (Through Disobedience)

I’m Going Through a Personal Problem, and I Brought It Upon Myself (Through Disobedience) Disclaimer: Please don’t pray for me about this problem. God has it covered. :) Plus, He has commanded me to be careful who I give permission to pray for me. (Watch my videos on spiritual warfare to learn why. But in short—giving someone permission to pray for you opens a spiritual bridge. Blessings can come, but so can evil spirits. Be careful who you let pray for you. I only let people pray for me who I know extremely well.)

Most bad things that happen to me after being a Christian, are the result of my own disobedience. (With the exception of a few lingering generational curses I’m in the process of breaking.)

When we walk in God’s shadow, we are protected by Him. How do you walk in someone’s shadow? (Psalm 91)

You follow them, precisely. Closely. You walk exactly as they walk.

You follow the path they follow.

Be like Jesus. :) Be like Jesus to walk in God’s shadow. Obey His orders and follow His direction to walk in His shadow.

Don’t walk too far to the right or to the left, or you step outside His shadow. Outside His protection.

If we stray.... that’s when we become open to attack.

Can God redeem it? Absolutely. I’m praying He does. However it’s definitely painful to pay for my mistakes in the meantime. But it’s not God’s fault. He tried to guide me away from the mistake. And even after I made it, without His help, it would’ve been much worse!


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