
Forget his age, Jeremy Corbyn is simply unfit to be Prime Minister

Forget his age, Jeremy Corbyn is simply unfit to be Prime Minister IT is totally false – a smear, in fact – to suggest old age has made 70-year-old ­Jeremy Corbyn unfit to be our next Prime Minister.  Advancing years have certainly not enfeebled his grasp of politics, economics or international affairs, even if he does need to be driven home from the Commons for an afternoon nap.  The fact is Corbyn was never fit to be PM, even before he entered Parliament half a century ago as a Che Guevara lookalike.  Indeed, he is unfit for office of any kind, not because of failing memory, a saggy eye muscle or a rumoured mini-stroke.  He is unsuited because he regards all Britain’s enemies as his friends and prizes the IRA, Hamas and even Putin’s Kremlin above the interests of the country he aspires to lead.  Even he had to admit he was unfit for purpose when put up, Buggins-style, for the Labour leadership.  He told supporters: “You’d better make f***ing sure I don’t win.” GONE SOFT  Yet here he is, thanks to Theresa May’s hideous Brexit shambles, hovering over No10 like a bad smell.  It seems only one person can stop him.  Which begs another question: Is Boris Johnson any more fit to be Prime Minister than Jeremy Corbyn?  Millions of fans, including some once-savage critics, think he has a magic wand that can save the Tories from electoral oblivion.  He has done it before, snatching Labour London from the jaws of “Red Ken” Livingstone and serving two triumphant terms as Mayor.  This time, though, he’s up against both Labour AND Nigel Farage’s barnstorming Brexit Party, most of them angry ex-Conservative voters. PRIZES THE IRA  As Boris keeps telling us, the Tory Party is facing a sudden- death play-off and he is the only scorer who can clinch a winning goal.  But as in his 2008 battle for London Mayor, he’s having a bit of a wobble.  His rock-hard, “do or die” promise to take Britain out of the EU on October 31 has gone soft at the edges.  There might yet be “a deal”. We could end up with a version of Mrs May’s hideous Chequers stitch-up, with a few extra bells and whistles on the Northern Ireland backstop.  That won’t wash, Boris. Voters have been conned twice already. They won’t fall for another blatant fudge.  Worryingly, Boris has surrounded himself with Mrs May’s most loyal Cabinet supporters — ministers who connived, and failed, three times to get her botched deal through Parliament.  He is listening to staunch Remainers like Health Secretary Matt Hancock.  He is taking advice from Attorney General Geoffrey Cox and Brexit Secretary Steve Barclay who, for all their Brexit credentials, willingly dipped their hands in the Chequers blood. They each have a CV to protect.  Bearing in mind Boris’s pathological craving for popularity, allies are also alarmed by the sudden support of old cronies and arch-Remainers David Cameron and George Osborne.  None of them will tell him what he needs to hear: To save the Tories from the Farage sword, Britain must leave the EU as free traders.  We cannot sign up to any variety of cust


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