
Cutting the corner of the toenail when it starts to get stuck.

Cutting the corner of the toenail when it starts to get stuck. Cutting the corner of the toenail when it starts to get stuck.

When your skin starts to grow around the corner of your toenail, causing redness and discomfort, you've got an ingrown nail. There are two main types of ingrown nails: those caused by improper cutting and those that just naturally occur.

To avoid creating an ingrown nail yourself, always cut the nail slightly rounded (the nail should be the same shape as the end of your toe). And don’t cut down into the corners. “Often times, a sharp edge is left that will grow into the skin in weeks or a month or two and that can create a bad infection,"

If it’s just one ingrown that pops up out of the blue, soak it in warm water and epsom salts for 10 minutes and apply antibiotic ointment such as Neosporin twice a day, he suggests. If you get recurrent ingrowns, a podiatrist can clip your nails professionally, too.

Seem to simply be predisposed to them even if you’re trimming properly? A podiatrist can perform a procedure called a partial matrixectomy, which partially removes the side of the nail permanently. (A chemical kills the nail matrix cells, which stops it from growing.) “The area will drain and be slightly sore for a few weeks after the procedure, but the end result, if successful, is the elimination of future ingrown nails,”

The problem is that I need to cut in this way because my nail hurt my toe😓......

I hope you understand me...

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