
LIVE: Police to seize Assange’s belongings from Ecuadorian Embassy in London: stakeout

LIVE: Police to seize Assange’s belongings from Ecuadorian Embassy in London: stakeout Subscribe to our channel!

Ruptly is live from outside the Ecuadorian Embassy in London on Monday, May 20, as police authorities are set to search for documents and possessions left behind by Julian Assange inside the room he occupied for almost seven years.

According to reports, the office of Ecuador’s attorney general, Diana Salazar, informed Assange’s lawyer, Carlos Poveda, that the WikiLeaks founder’s belongings, including computers, mobile phones, memory sticks and other electronic devices, will be seized and sent to the US as part of Ecuador’s response to the Department of Justice’s judicial request.

Assange was arrested by British police on April 11, 2019 after Ecuador officially revoked his asylum status and allowed UK police to escort him from the embassy and into custody.

The WikiLeaks founder was sentenced to 50 weeks in prison by a court in London for violating bail conditions after spending seven years in the Ecuadorian Embassy.

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