
Weird and Wonderful: Feather stars and sea lilies

Weird and Wonderful: Feather stars and sea lilies Crinoids, with their elegant, flower-like appearance, are commonly known as feather stars and sea lilies. MBARI remotely operated vehicles have observed several crinoid species from shallow to deep areas on the seafloor from the Aleutian Islands off Alaska to Baja California, Mexico. Their feathery arms capture small plankton, drifting in the currents. The food is then moved to the mouth, which faces up in the center of the arms. Sea lilies are always attached with a holdfast and cannot move. However, feather stars can swim away at the slightest disturbance.

Learn more about the weird and wonderful life we find in the deep sea:

Video editor: Ted Blanco
Writer: Lonny Lundsten
Production team: Nancy Barr, Nancy Jacobsen Stout, Heidi Cullen


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