
The Great President, Donald Trump and and the weasels who snigger at him behind his back. Cowards!

The Great President, Donald Trump and and the weasels who snigger at him behind his back. Cowards! Donald Trump was at the NATO conference in London's Buckingham palace where other nation's leaders were caught on camera talking and sniggering at him behind his back.
None worthy, in my opinion, to shine his shoes.
Justin Trudeau of Canada, the man who's never had a job nor never needed one led the school yard like sniping. Macron, Boris and even princess Anne were part of the vile show of disrespect.
Sadiq Khan also gets on the same old bandwagon of slagging off the Donald.
Khan saying Trump only wants to make America great for white people.
A loathsome creature and the visible product of an incestuous union of two very close family members is the mayor of London.
Donald Tusk, ex PM of Poland and ex leaders of the undemocratic EU commission, puts his fingers together in the shape of a gun and points at president Trump's back as if implying he wants to shoot him.
How do these traitors of their own nations get away with treating the US president like this?
They hate Donald Trump because he's not part of the treasonous club of traitors bend on destroying their own countries for money and power, Jacinda of New Zealand included.

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Trump,Trump derangement syndrome,Trudeau of Canada,Macron of France,Brexit,Boris,Trump hatred,Merkal,mass migration,Sadiq Khan,Muslim invasion of Europe,Islamic terrorism,quisling leaders,

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