
Quick guide marine weather forecast terms

Quick guide marine weather forecast terms Quick guide marine weather forecast terms

Weather describes the state of the atmosphere at any particular time.

Weather can be described in terms of temperature, precipitation (snow, rain & hail), wind speed and direction, visibility and cloud amounts.

Climate describes the average weather of a particular part of the world at different times of the year, in Britain we would expect cool summers and mild winters with moderate rainfall throughout the year.

Rainfall, snow, hail and fog. Rainfall is measured in a rain gauge. Some rain gauges record rainfall automatically whilst others are emptied everyday by an observer

The direction and strength of the wind are both measured A wind vane measures direction An anemometer records strength Wind strength can also be measured using the Beaufort Scale

Fair weather is produced by high pressure

High pressure forms anticyclones

Air sinks and prevents the formation of rain clouds

Anticyclones cause heatwaves in summer and frosty/foggy mornings in winter

BBC Weather Forecast comprises:

● Gale Warning
● General Synopsis
● Area Forecasts – Wind speed and direction – Sea state – Visibility – Weather
● Inshore Forecast – Up to 12 miles offshore
● Coastal Station Reports

Admiral Beaufort’s Scale


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