
🔴ドイツ振動医学による涙器疾患編|Lacrimal Apparatus Diseases by German Oscillatory Medicine.

🔴ドイツ振動医学による涙器疾患編|Lacrimal Apparatus Diseases by German Oscillatory Medicine. 🔴この動画はドイツ振動医学によるヒーリングサウンドです。This video is a healing sound by German Oscillatory Medicine.★チャンネル登録お願いします。Please register your channel.→
🔴ドイツ振動医学による涙器疾患編|Lacrimal Apparatus Diseases by German Oscillatory Medicine.|428Hz 天界とつながるエレメント

🔴It is the original song I composed. In addition, although the songs of the same melody are used in many videos, all are added again to the frequency of bands that can not be heard by people's ears, so they are being rebuilt every time. In other words, it can be said that it is a new song that contains elements of all different sounds. Sound editing is explained in detail in this movie.

「サウンドの秘密を解説編|Explain secrets of sound」

🔴It is a healing video channel which can experience the frequency which is said to increase self-healing power by listening with earphones.


Audio Track: All Original
Composed by Manabu Murashita.

★公式ホームページ Official website


This channel is distributed as entertainment.
It is not medical practice.
Please use at your own risk.
Even if there is something inconvenient, we can not accept any responsibility.


🔴432Hz基準ソマチット共鳴SOUND|432 Hz Reference 714X Resonance SOUND

🔴ドイツ振動医学による腸内環境改善編|Improvement of intestinal environment by German Oscillatory Medicine.

🔴ドイツ振動医学による耳鳴り編|Tinnitus by German Oscillatory Medicine.|サイン波シリーズ Sine wave series.

🔴奇跡を起こす周波数 432Hz |Miraculous frequency 432Hz


428Hz,ヒーリング,ドイツ振動医学,healthcare,healing,UCY1MFNLgRDq2SBx8Bg51xnQ,涙器疾患,Lacrimal Apparatus Diseases,

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