
CPR doubles survival rate in children: hospital

CPR doubles survival rate in children: hospital Parents, take note. If you haven''t learned CPR, now is the time. A new study shows that CPR can dramatically boost the survival rates of children. Ten years of hospital records show that children who stop breathing have double the chance of survival if CPR is performed immediately. Children who did not receive CPR had only a 32% chance of resuscitation at the hospital. When faced with a child who isn''t breathing and has no pulse, most parents'' instinct is to rush to the hospital. But doctors warn that they have to do more to boost the child''s chance of survival.Lee JungPediatricianWhen the body is deprived of oxygen for more than five minutes, brain cell damage will start to occur. If that period lasts longer than 10 minutes, you''ll start to develop hypoxic encephalopathy.Between 2005 and 2016, a monthly average of 1.5 minors arrived at Chang Gung without a pulse and not breathing. Among children who did not receive CPR before medical treatment, only 32% got back a heartbeat after rescue efforts. Children who did receive CPR had double the survival rate.Lee JungPediatricianYou can perform CPR on all children, from preemies born at 28 weeks old to 18-year-olds and adults.Some parents fear that pressing on a baby''s body could break ribs and damage muscles. But doctors say that saving lives is the priority.Give 30 chest compressions before giving two rescue breaths. Do this for at least two minutes a time, and don''t stop until the ambulance arrives. When a child''s heart stops, 30% of the time it''s due to sudden cardiac death, which is caused by conditions different from those seen in adults. For children, rescue breaths at the outset are even more critical to survival.

民視,民視新聞,英語新聞,English News,Formosa News,

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