
Shaza InAction - My Ultimate Arm Workout

Shaza InAction - My Ultimate Arm Workout BICEPS

Exercise 1
Seated alternate dumbell curls super-set bilateral dumbell curls
2 Working Sets
Starting with alternate exercise allows me to keep my Intensity high
Then I extend the set with a bilateral curl taking me to fatigue

Exercise 2
Banded Barbell Curls
2 Working Sets
Adding the band dramatically changes the profile keeping the tension in the biceps at their shortest (top)

Exercise 3
Preacher curls
2 Working Sets
This exercise overload my biceps at their longest (bottom) creating more tension here

These 3 exercises allow me to train with Intensith & works the biceps through their entire contractile range over the 3 movements (although ex 1 & 2 are very similar at the longest but vary at the shortest


Exercise 1
Triceps Dips
2 Working Sets
Although still very much a compound exercise, with the correct set up & focus I can place more demands on my Triceps & keep the intensity high

Exercise 2
X-Face Triceps Cable Extensions
2 Working Sets
My favourite to target the demands over all 3 heads of the triceps.
Be sure to flex from elbow & extend outwards keeping elbows flaired & cable aligned with humerus for a better path

Exercise 3
Lying Triceps Push Aparts
2 Working Sets
Love this exercise as it keeps my shoulders depressed with no demands there, which enables a superb uninterrupted contraction of the Triceps.

I train using high intensity meaning high loads, which is accommodated using lower volume

Try adjusting your Volume to suit your needs

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As always thanks for ALL your support

Shaza ♤


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