
Make Your Own Therapeutic Liposomal Vitamin C

Make Your Own Therapeutic Liposomal Vitamin C First of all, it’s important to know how vital vitamin C is to our diet. Humans can’t make nor store vitamin C in their bodies, so we have to get it from an outside source. It’s important for a wide range of bodily functions relating to the immune system, growth & development, bone health and many others. Without vitamin C we could not make collagen, which explains why there are so many skin products featuring this vitamin.

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, which means it dissolves in water and the leftovers are dispelled by the body. The most common form, the kind you’ve probably picked up at any local drug store, is a hard tablet, capsule, pill or powder of L-ascorbic acid.

The challenge with the typical forms of vitamin C is that it must travel through the digestive system, reducing the amount of viable vitamin C that is actually available for uptake. What ends up happening is that most of your valuable nutrients end up down the drain, more specifically, the toilet since unabsorbed vitamin C is excreted in the urine.

When you have increased need for this nutrient, doctors prefer to utilize vitamin C in IV form, especially when they find the amount of oral vitamin C is limited by bowel tolerance. Why? You can completely skip the destruction that occurs in the digestive system and deliver the vitamin C straight to your circulatory system, and then to your body’s cells.

Liposomal vitamin C operates on the same principle. The idea is to prevent the degradation that normally occurs when a tablet or pill is processed through the entire digestive system.

The Benefits of Using Liposomal Vitamin C:

1. It Is More Absorbent.

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, so it has a harder time getting around the cell membranes, which are made up of fatty acids. Because of this, you are not really getting the best benefits the antioxidant has to offer. Plus, the oral tablets can also mess with your belly, and give you an upset stomach.

Because this supplement uses liposomal technology, you will get better effects. You see, liposomes are these nano-sized vehicles that are designed to deliver nutrients directly to the bloodstream. This makes the absorption rate much higher, ensuring that around ninety percent of your cells are boosted with vitamin C.

2. It Provides Double the Amount of Vitamin C Than Other Supplements or Food.

Numerous research studies have shown that, due to the previously mentioned absorption rate of the supplement, blood concentrations of vitamin c double with liposomal vitamin c. With just one dose, a person can reach a vitamin c concentration levels of 400 umol/ L2.

3. It Has Cancer-Fighting Properties.

Studies have shown that it’s also effective in fighting cancer. IV Vitamin C acts as a pro-oxidant drug that produces hydrogen peroxide. The hydrogen peroxide targets the cancer cells, and leaves regular cells alone. The vitamin c, in higher concentrations, can also be used to prevent tumor growth and kill cancer cells.

4. It Can Be as Effective as IV Vitamin C.

According to top experts in the field, six grams of liposomal vitamin c can be equivalent to fifty grams of IV vitamin c. Of course, both oral and IV vitamin c’s are used for different purposes. Oral vitamin c is better for reducing oxidative stress in your body, while IV vitamin c is better suited as a pro-oxidant drug. The biggest difference between the two is the pricing. IV vitamin c is much more expensive than liposomal vitamin c.

5. Liposomal Vitamin C Will Supercharge Your Immune System.

Liposomal vitamin c loads up your immune system cells, to fight against all forms of illness. The antioxidant will fight against free radicals in your body, while stimulating the growth of disease-fighting cells and encourage the production of important antibodies. This gives your immune system a super boost.

Dr. Mercola: The Benefits of Liposomal Vitamin C


9 fluid ounces distilled water (no tap water)
12 fluid ounces best quality vodka
6 dry weight ounces Vitamin C powder (organic is best)
7 dry weight ounces powdered sunflower lecithin

Combine ingredients in a blender and blend on high for approx. 4 minutes. If using a high speed blender, blend about 2 minutes. Place the whole blender bowl with lid in the refrigerator for 2 hours. After 2 hours remove blender bowl from refrigerator and blend on high for the same duration. Place the blender bowl back in the refrigerator for 2 hours to cool down again.

**Repeat this same process 4-5 times in 24 hour period.**

After blending the last time, pour the mixture into small jars attach lids and label. Place the jars in the freezer to set the lipids.

Shelf life is only 4 days, so store the jars in the freezer for long term.

Dosage is 1 Tablespoon 1-3 times per day.
Therapeutic dosage is to bowel tolerance.

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