
Hong Kong Protester deliberately Slow the MTR (13.11.19)

Hong Kong Protester deliberately Slow the MTR (13.11.19) Several MTR stations are damaged by protesters and many lines were blocked causing a crowded train. A protester caught deliberately prevent the door from closing with his umbrella, making the train unable to start. Someone need to kick him out the train.
Source : Dotdotnews

A Man badly beaten up by Hong Kong Protesters (11.11.19)
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Another Old Taxi Driver assaulted by Hong Kong Protesters (11.11.19)
Hong Kong Protesters Burn A Man (Blur Vr.) (11.11.19)
Hong Kong Protesters Burn Train Carriage (11.11.19)
Hong Kong protesters beat a girl (11.11.19)
Hong Kong Protester Set a Man on Fire (11.11.19)
Hong Kong police shot protester (11.11.19)
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Hong Kong Protesters Throwing chairs (11.11.19)
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Protesters assaulted people for taking video (27.10.19)
Heung Shing Online teach Hong Kong Protesters
Hong Kong Protesters humiliate and paint a woman (10.11.19)
Hong Kong Protesters bullied an elderly (26.07.19)
DW News interview Hong Kong student leader Joey Siu
Biased media report on Hong Kong student death
Hong Kong protesters disguise as civilian
3 mainlanders vs 30+ Hong Kong protesters
Another Hong Kong Drama. Pro-democracy hit a mainlander student (06.11.19)
Hong Kong protesters destroy metro stations (04.11.19)
One Brave Chinese woman against a group Hong Konger
Hong Kong lawmaker Junius Ho was stabbed by a man (05.11.19)
Hong Kong "Press" (04.11.19)
3 mainlander who's attacked by protesters saying thank you to HK police (04.11.19)
A man attack people and bit ear at Cityplaza (HK 03.11.19)
Halloween in Hong Kong. Medication? (HK 03.11.19)
The descpicable truth about Hong Kong Protesters. A man was beaten and undressed (02.11.19)
Hong Kong Expat Clear Road Block (02.11.19)
Hong Kong mad protesters attacked a man (02.11.19)
An update of a police with chemical burn
Hong Kong future generation, an 11 year-old kid join a protest. (21.10.19)
Martin Lee was confronted at fine dining restaurant (HK 15.10.19)
Jaron Lines, an American honest review about Hong Kong Protest
Compilation video about what's an ordinary Hong Kong people have to face in this 4 months of "peaceful" protests
Old taxi driver beaten to bloody pulp by pro-democracy
One man fight for his life againt more than 50 pro-democracy
JP Morgan Banker Mandarin-speaking was attacked for saying "We all are Chinese"
Pro-democracy beaten and tried to burn police with petrol bomb in Yuen Long
Pro-democracy slashed police in the neck
A woman was beaten, sprayed paint and dragged by her hair for clearing the road block made by pro-democracy
Protesters accused a woman and attacked her (HK 13.10.19)
4 months damage in numbers

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Hong Kong,Hong Kong News,Hong Kong Freedom,Hong Kong Unrest,Hong Kong Democracy,Hong Kong Violence,

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