capricious mobile network connections
mismanaged asset sizes
a diverse array of device types, and screen densities.
splintered support for new technologies.
Content Management Systems
Compounding the complication has been the liberal use of libraries and the abundance of new element attributes. '2019: An Odyssey In Modern Resource Loading' will be a look at what has been done, leading to present-day and even future web development, all in the name of reducing all known friction. From web fonts, Retina™ images, and of course javascript, this talk will discuss the recent updates available to developers such as, but not limited to: resource and priority hints, image decoding prioritization, responsive images preloading. We will present reasons why they were implemented and are considered best practice, all accounting for updated browser support and landscape.
About the speaker:
Henri is a freelance developer who has turned his interests to a passionate mix of site performance engineering and pinches of user experience, which have a considerable impact on the mobile landscape. When not reading the deluge of daily research docs and case studies. Henri can be found contributing back to the community: Toronto Web Performance Group meetup + SPOTLIGHT: PERFORMANCE conference co-organizer, curating content for conferences or volunteering his time for lunch and learns at various boot camps - all with a radiant smile. Otherwise, he’s focusing on running the fastest 5k possible (surprise surprise).
About Mobile Era
Mobile Era is organized by a team of enthusiasts across several technology companies in Oslo. We're passionate about developing mobile apps and want to see a kick-ass event in Oslo for people like ourselves. The organizing committee consists of developers who are also active in organizing open events, conferences and meetups in the Oslo developer community.
Our topics: iOS / Android, Mobile web / PWA, Cross-platform / JS-to-Native, IoT / Hardware, Mobile UX / Accessibility
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