Bill Cran, the AgLeader Tech Specialist showed up to view how things were going. We also flew his drone around. Lets just say Dad is not an expert!
We finally got the combine fixed, calibrated, running, and then picked for a few hours.
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Cole The Cornstar, aka Cole, is a 4th generation family farmer from Central Iowa who is the life force behind his family’s 1,700 acre farm. Cole promotes agriculture by filming his day-to-day adventures with his Dad (Daddy Cornstar) and brother (Cooper) on the farm. With a lot of help from Daddy Cornstar, Cole instills humor and education into his videos fit for both children and adults. Despite being 22-years old, Cole has an old-fashion work ethic with an innovative approach toward agricultural technology and practices. Cole's mission is to prove the American Dream is not dead and be a megaphone for agricultural education and innovation, from technological advances in farming equipment to conservation practices.
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Cole The Cornstar
PO Box 1432
Marshalltown, Iowa 50158
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► Edited By Cole The Cornstar’s Sister
Business inquiries only: cornhubcole@gmail.com