
'Every single person who wants to be online should have the ability to do so'

'Every single person who wants to be online should have the ability to do so' At Citizens Online we're interested in Digital Inclusion and we've long supported the idea that internet should be treated as a utility - see these interview clips we've collated from the early 2000s.

As our CEO John Fisher says in one of the interviews: "We believe that every single person who wants to be online should have the ability to do so".

People shouldn't be excluded by cost.

We haven't argued for #FreeBroadband for all - as was proposed by the Labour Party on 15th November 2019 ( - but we did support the Digital Equality Group's demand that "The government should provide universal means-tested broadband to those who need it most".

Read a response to the free superfast broadband for all policy from Wavelength, the charity which co-ordinates the Digital Equality Group:

digital inclusion,digital exclusion,#FreeBroadband,yt:cc=on,

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