Adversaries need to have a wordlist or combination-generation tool while conducting password guessing attacks. To narrow the combination pool, researchers developed a method named "mask attack" where the attacker needs to assume a password's structure. Even if it narrows the combination pool significantly, it can be still too large to use for online attacks or offline attacks with low hardware resources. Rhodiola tool is developed to narrow the combination pool by creating a personalized wordlist for target people. It finds interest areas of a given user by analyzing his/her tweets, and builds a personalized wordlist.
Utku Sen (Twitter: @utkusen) is a security researcher who is mostly focused on application security, network security and tool development. He presented his different tools and researches in Black Hat USA Arsenal, DEF CON Demo Labs and Packet Hacking Village in recent years. He's also nominated for Pwnie Awards on "Best Backdoor" category in 2016. He is currently working for Tear Security.