
Chit Chat with Prasad Rao - An Information Content Management Professional

Chit Chat with Prasad Rao - An Information Content Management Professional I am starting a new playlist series "Chit Chat with Professionals" wherein I will do small chit chat with professionals from diversified fields, it would be a great guide for young college/university graduates to understand the Information Technology market spectrum.

this is my first video for this new playlist series; Chit Chat with Prasad Rao - An Information Content Management Professional.

About Prasad Rao: Prasad is an Information Content Management Professional working in Malaysia. He is a very competent and successful professional; he has an extra-ordinary IT skillset and credentials.

The purpose of this video is to guide young professionals about Information Content Management area if anyone wants to grow in this field.

#ChitChatWithProfessionals #Rolemodels #Learnfromsuccessfulpeople #continuouslearning #Guidance #Direction #Leadership #ContentManagement #InformationManagement


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