Our Deck; Crystal Oracle
Our Cards; Malachite, Charoite, Tigers Eye, Malachite, Amethyst,
Time Stamped;
18 Min 43 Secs- Earth Elements- Shambala Bracelet
The word Shamballa represents the mythical kingdom that Tibetan Buddhists believe symbolizes enlightenment, peace and perfection.
33 Min 15 Secs-Water Elements- Silver coin bracelet
35 Min 36 Secs- Fire Elements- Sodalite, Blue Lapis & Lava stone Mermate Diffuser Bracelet
42 Min 18 Secs- Air Elements- Silver Breath of life Bracelet
Howlite is an aid to insomnia, especially when caused by an overactive mind. ... Howlite strengthens memory and stimulates desire for knowledge. It teaches patience and helps to eliminate rage, pain and stress.
Dragonfly Totem Says:
"Seek out the parts of your habits that need changing. Pay attention to your more profound thoughts and desires. You are responsible for what you see in your life. Take note because not all of it is real.
Make sure you take the time to visualize positive outcomes."
When a Dragonfly totem flits into your world, she is asking that you pay attention to your deeper desires. With this in mind, you should also be mindful of the outcome that you wish to have. In other words, there are lessons to be learned, and “what you think” is directly proportionate to what you “see on the surface.” As a result, your thoughts are responsible for your physical surroundings. Thus, your Dragonfly meaning tells you that you must move through these illusions and “think” your dreams into reality. Alternatively, this Dragonfly symbolism may also be letting you know that you should live your life to the fullest with what you have. It is also important to realize that you should seek the habits that need changing. Only then can you manifest an abundant life. With this in mind, you can also use this totem to guide you through the mists of illusion and toward the pathway of transformation. In fact, dragonfly symbolism will bring the light and color of change into your life. The Dragonfly symbolism may also be letting you know that it is time for you to make that decision that you have been putting off and move on it. Opportunities are only available for a limited period and, the one you have been nervous about jumping into is quickly closing its doors. Occasionally, when one of these insects land on you, it is an omen of GOOD things to come. In this case, Dragonfly meaning foretells extreme good luck.
Falcon Totem Says:
"The best strategy relies upon an unlimited set of responses. Be Flexible! Look at the bigger picture rather than what is right in front of you. Today something very special will happen. Embrace it with gratitude! Take action on your passion - it will lead you to your life's purpose!"
Falcon is asking you to be vigilant. In other words, an opportunity for big positive changes in your life is close at hand. Moreover, this opportunity will require proper planning and strategy as well as action on your part. In this case, similar to the stingray, the falcon meaning asks you to trust that you have all the tools and knowledge to take advantage of this opportunity. However, your success depends on your quick reactions. Alternatively, the falcon symbolism is reminding you to stay focused and grateful for all that is coming your way. Furthermore, believe that you can soar high and see things with greater vision!
If you would like to book a Personal Reading/ Healing session with me, purchase an item from my Shamanic Healing Tool Box, or receive assistance with Dream Analysis, please go to: www.theangelswhisper.com
Blessings on your journey! 👸🏻✌🏼⭐️🌟💫