
[11.10] Oooh, this is a tricky one

[11.10] Oooh, this is a tricky one So a couple of days late and I had to take a couple attempts to record this. It touches on some tricky topics as far as hwo they relate to contemporary social politics, but I've given it my best shot, given the constraints of both time and the fact that this is a Pagan channel and not a political one.
Anywhere I'm wrong, I'm happy to be educated, and anywhere I see to be calous of other people's situations i'm ignorant, and again, am happy to be educated.

This week's topic:
soul seeker:

“ I am wondering if and how your path supports socioeconomic justice and eco-justice? Thanks ”

Rebekah Getchell:

“ in reading the book ‘For Earths Sake’ I found the argument and perspective that the domination of nature and women go hand in hand in our patriarichal society. it submits as evidence pointing to this fact, that we refer to nature in a feminist view, mother nature, mother earth, the now stopped practice of naming hurricanes after women. It supposes that we cannot fix one without fixing the other. Curious your thoughts and beliefs about this idea and argument ”

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