
The Wealth Activation Blueprint - Kevin Harrington

The Wealth Activation Blueprint - Kevin Harrington
“Inventor Of The Infomercial And Original ‘Shark Tank’ Cast-Member Kevin Harrington Finally Reveals His ‘Secret’ Wealth Creation Blueprint!”
Discover The One Missing Ingredient For Building Wealth This Wildly Successful Entrepreneur Discovered After Making Millions With Hundreds Of ‘As Seen On Tv' Products…
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To Watch A Special Video From Kevin Harrington!)

From the desk of: Kevin Harrington
Original “Shark” from ABC’s Emmy Award-winning TV show, ‘Shark Tank’
Inventor of the Infomercial
Multi-Millionaire Entrepreneur And Wealth Building Expert

Dear friend,
If you’re struggling to create wealth despite having tried every single wealth-building strategy you’ve ever heard of or come across…

...then there’s something VERY important I want you to know:

Creating wealth is actually MUCH easier than you think!

You see, there’s a little-known factor that can either KILL your ability to create and acquire wealth in life…
...or amplify it and SUPERCHARGE it!

And here’s the best part:

It can be used by absolutely ANYONE!

The truth is that I consider it to be the #1 most-important ingredient for creating massive wealth that most (if not ALL) people are missing in their lives...



Because I’m going to show you exactly how YOU can leverage this powerful wealth-building “amplifier” for yourself...

But before I do, let me explain how I happened to stumble upon it...

...and how it changed the way I approach wealth creation and wealth attraction forever...

I Didn’t Just “Invent” The Infomercial...I’ve Launched Over 500 Products That Have Gone On To Do Over $5 Billion Dollars In Sales!
Now, most me people know me as the “Inventor of the Infomercial”...

...but the truth is that over the past 40 years, I’ve launched over 500 products through distribution channels like The Home Shopping Network and QVC…

In fact, the products I’ve launched have gone on to generate over $5 BILLION dollars in sales combined…

Which is why Mark Burnett (the ALL-STAR producer of hit TV shows like Survivor and The Apprentice) asked ME to be the very first “Shark” on his brand new show, Shark Tank…
My time on Shark Tank was an incredible rollercoaster ride, and truly one of the greatest pleasures of my life…

Part of the reason why I had so much fun on Shark Tank is because I got to meet and network with SO many amazing entrepreneurs through the show…

And anyone who knows me that I preach one thing above all else when it comes to business…

Your NET WORTH is equal to your NETWORK!

And let me tell you, being able to meet and network with people like...

​Daymond John - CEO of FUBU
Robert Herjavec - Sold the company he founded to AT&T Canada for $30 million
Barbara Corcoran - Sold The Corcoran Group (the company she founded with nothing but a $1,000 loan) to NRT Incorporated for $66 million
Kevin O’Leary - Legendary Canadian Entrepreneur and Investor
...increased my net worth BIG TIME.

But there was still an incredibly important piece of information about wealth creation that I didn’t know about...
To Create Massive Wealth, You Need To Leverage Proven Business Principles...But Without This One Critical Ingredient,
Nothing Will Work!
Let me ask you something:

Did your parents ever tell you things like…
​Rich people are BAD
Money is EVIL
The only way to get paid is through HARD work
..or something else like it?

If so, what you probably don’t realize is that these beliefs were programmed into your subconscious mind…

...and once they were “installed” into your subconscious, they’ve been PREVENTING you from creating and acquiring wealth ever since!

It’s crazy to think, right?

That something your parents told you all those years ago could STILL be holding you back somehow…

But it’s the honest truth.

That’s why if you want to create MASSIVE wealth and abundance in your life…

...the FIRST thing you’ve got to do is reprogram your subconscious mind and eliminate all the faulty programming that continues to control your ability to create wealth to this day!

Now, you might be wondering…

“How exactly did YOU figure this out, Kev?”

And it’s all thanks to a dear friend of mine that I like to jokingly refer to as my ‘secret weapon’...

I Asked A Clinical Hypnotherapist (AKA MY ‘Secret Weapon’)
To Explain Exactly How You Can Reprogram
Your Subconscious Mind Step-By-Step…
So who is this ‘secret weapon’ clinical hypnotherapist?

His name is Dr. Steve G. Jones…

And he’s the man who is responsible for showing me how important the subconscious mind is when it comes to creating wealth…

That’s why I asked him to explain everything to me, including how anyone can reprogram their own subconscious mind step-by-step...

Now, if you’re wondering what exactly makes up the subconscious mind, think about it like this…

Our mind is like an iceberg...

Kevin Harrington,shark tank,entrepreneur,as seen on tv,

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