
Silver’s Rocket Will Be Financial Not Physical

Silver’s Rocket Will Be Financial Not Physical Silver’s Rocket Will Be Financial Not Physical - this video highlights the fact that due to world global slowdown or recession the physical demand for silver for industrial purposes is likely to reduce and therefore the only prospect silver has for a major hike in prices is its demand as a monetary metal - with most activity taking part on the financial exchanges.

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The Definitive Guide to Collecting, Investing & Stacking Silver Bullion: 2018 Edition

Silver's Future Looks Bright - But When?

Gold & Silver Price Forecast 2019 - illuminati silver:

$1800 Gold and $22.50 Silver in 2019 - Is This Possible?

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Today is Wednesday 16th October 2019 and this week we are talking almost exclusively about silver. Today and tomorrow we shall be briefly looking at two aspects of silver – its demand as a monetary metal and the gold to silver ratio and their implications.

Today we are looking at an article S&P Global Market Intelligence 4th October 2019 entitled Financial Investment to drive next silver boom amid industrial demand doubts.

It’s interesting that Bertincourt, is of the same opinion as us. Tomorrow we shall discuss why the gold to silver ratio is both important but cannot be totally relied upon and also the extent that the physical demand for silver as a monetary metal has to rise significantly if one is to see price ranges above the mid 20’s as mentioned in this report.

Yesterday’s video entitled:

Silver's Future Looks Bright - But When?

Where we quoted a report from Metals Focus which showed that institutional investors are now at last beginning to show an interest in silver, whereas previously it was almost exclusively gold.

The report concluded with the words;

“This means that the relationship between the performance of the global economy and the silver price is far from clear cut - news of slower growth can weigh on silver (as industrial commodities are sold off), but as the macro backdrop deteriorates further (leading to stock market weakness), silver will benefit as investors adjust their portfolios in favor of precious metals”

So there does appear to be light at the end of the tunnel, however both gold and silver will also have to contend with the possibility, and its just a possibility, that Central banks will; be so determined to counter the approaching recession with such low interest rates and QE we could still see a last leg in the equity bull market before attention is more seriously diverted to precious metals.

Tomorrow we shall talk about the Gold to Silver ratio as well as look at the physical demand for silver bullion in particular.

We have provided links to our 2019 forecast and potential limits in the description box below.

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