
Precious Metals Investment Outlook - Q4 2019 - Tom Cloud and Jerry Robinson

Precious Metals Investment Outlook - Q4 2019 - Tom Cloud and Jerry Robinson As central banks increasingly turn to negative interest rates to battle slowing economic growth, they are also stockpiling physical gold at a rate unseen in decades.

So too, many retail investors are turning to physical gold as a hedge against rising investment uncertainty. Is physical gold still a good long-term investment today?

And what about other precious metals, like silver, palladium, and platinum?

In this special 60 minute online presentation, we explore those topics and more with precious metals advisor Tom Cloud.

With more than 40 years of experience in the precious metals industry, Tom will deliver his insider's perspective and outlook on gold, silver, palladium, and platinum.


Have a question for Tom Cloud about gold, silver, palladium, or platinum? Call him directly at (800) 247-2812.


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