
Hello! | Living with Invisible Conditions | Essentially Invisible | BSL, Spoken English, CC

Hello! | Living with Invisible Conditions | Essentially Invisible | BSL, Spoken English, CC Hi Guys,

I'm Kat and I have multiple invisible chronic health issues/illnesses/disabilities. This video is the introduction to my channel, which will mainly be used to document my journey while I continue trying to get better diagnoses, treatment and cope with the effects it has on my life. I've had these conditions for several years, but I'm still having to fight for appointments and help because I can't afford to go private.

I'm hearing, but have tried my best to sign this video to include d/Deaf and HoH people, as well as sign users in general. I love BSL and you will see a little about that in the video. I won't be able to sign every video and I'm definitely nowhere near fluent in sign, but I hope you'll still stick with me :)

You are also likely to see snippets of my many pets because I am crazy about animals, as well as some vlogs about my Open University journey, as I'm a first-time student! I hope you enjoy/relate to my videos.

Please subscribe and take care :)

Essentially Invisible,invisible disability,invisible illness,illness,disability,mental health,pets,life,health issues,BSL,British Sign Language,CC,captions,subtitles,depression,anxiety,polycystic ovarian syndrome,PCOS,PTSD,post-traumatic stress disorder,vlog,chronic pain,mental illness,university,

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