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This video discusses some reasons why you simply will never get rich. As a young black man myself, I've noticed some things that we do as a whole, that are holding us back from becoming rich.
The first reason on why you will never get rich is because you care too much about what people think about you. In order to get rich, you must be the odd one, the weird one, no one ever got rich from being average. Apart of that comes judgement from others, but you can't let the opinions of sheep stop your greatness.
The second reason on why you will never get rich is because you're trading your time for money. In order to get rich, you must find a way to make you money work for you. “If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.
The third reason why you will never get rich is because you spend your money on pointless things or depreciating assets. Stop spending on your money on things you don't need to impress people that don't even like you.
The last reason why you will never get rich is because you think too small. Growing up in the hood all we really want to do is make it out and land a good job but that's thinking way too small if we're ever going to get rich. THINK BIGGER.
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