
Artificial Intelligence and The Image of The Beast

Artificial Intelligence and The Image of The Beast Pastor Chris continues his sermons series, “End Times” with a message entitled “Artificial Intelligence and The Image of The Beast”

R e v e l a t i o n 1 3 : 1 1 - 1 8

2 Beasts in Rev. 13- Starts out with a SEA Beast then goes into Rev 13:11 and describes a LAND Beast

This chapter refers to the tribulation period. -7 yrs.
It says another beast, because starting off ch. 13 – its describes the Antichrist…them it moves into “Another” beast in v. 11-15. We believe this LAMB… with 2 horns…is the false Prophet . (2 Horns represents coming together of 2 religious systems)

In one place it says he gives power to the image. There too freaky you know when your phone starts talking back to you it's too smart.
Images or statues beginning to speak the Bible says...welll.......
In Denver Airport- they have a talking Gargoyle…in case you did not know.

Lock on door, thermostat, garage, cameras, floor cleaner, turn car on with remote in Winter. If you watched the Superbowl…..the main thurst of the commercials were based on what?------ROBOTS
Daniel 12:4

Folks, our military has stuff that will blow your mind.
They will one day be able when you walk into an airport to do a scan of your brain and know what you're thinking.
Working robots. Mc Donalds no longer has as many people working, place your order at a AI – KOISK , someone brings food to you. So much for the 15.00 an hour raise. In the next 10 years : 30-40% of our jobs will go to robots or computers. Who controls the software, will have the keys to the System.

Robot humanoid CALLED SOPHIA JUST DID A SEMINAR IN SAUDI ARABIA and they granted her-IT , and official citizen Card. Sophia Means wisdom. Soon she’ll be programmed to laugh, cry and express emotions.
Just like SIRI and ALEXA….Alexa, by the way is programmed to listen to your conversation ---for key words only… so you’ll receive those pop up ads on your amazon page or computer.
A Man in California is creating an Artificial Intelligence religion.

they are beginning a new artificial intelligence religion. They're creating a god.
The man who is doing it is an ex-Mormon. And he never he never felt like the church answer his question so they're creating a god-- ready for this--with a new religion. The Artificial intelligence God he said -will become smarter than any god that exists including the god of the universe.

Daniel 11:36-39

2 things stand out about the character of this Anti-Christ- not attracted to women…’s a strange god…never been around before.

Revelation 16:1-2

Could there be a new religion being formed around AI, and could the Anti-Christ and FalseProphet adopt that system into The entire Beast system …..whereas we read about the mark of the beast in Revelation 13. It’s desire is to receive worship, that is for sure. So it creates an IKONE…AN IMAGE. A Statue of itself, that seems to talk and think intelligently. Like the gargoyle in Denver Airport.
John could have used 2 other Greek words here for IMAGE.
#1- Painting #2- carving (on wood) . But he used – Statue
To sum it up…The false prophet makes an image of the beast (anti-Christ) and gives authority to it….and gets, or demands people to worship it.

Finally, Militarily….it getting even scarier….

The scripture says, if you don’t take the mark….in the end times, you’ll be eliminated. How will they know who takes it. Well, we will have to enter a state of a super – hyper surveillance society.
They are already preventing Christian from using such transportation such as trains and busses…so the gospel couldn’t be spread.
Facial recognition – could that be the mark of The Beast, which a government will adapt and implement and have a ultra controlled society.

From those is to follow his religion and there are a lot of people that read things if you read. They they meaning the artificial intelligence genius. I didn't read his gun tell you speculation create a likeness.
Bible says human man named a false prophet comes he will make war and he takes 10 kings and organizes an empire and economically controls buying and selling because by that time they'll be a lot of famines in the earth. You can't purchase without the name of the beast and the mark on the forehead.
That’s how he’ll separate true followers of his religion. They bring it to Jerusalem and the temple because the Jewish temple will be rebuilt the tribulation and the Anti-Christ will take over temple and with the false prophet. Having set it up who has done fast miracles under Satanic power.
Somehow making Statues TALK and giving POWER to it. So he would have to be in Jerusalem, the IMAGE will do his bidding for HIM.

Revelation,Artificial Intelligence,Mark of the Beast,2 Beasts,Chris,Dito,Pastor,God,Bible,Jesus,Parkview,Assembly of God,Newark,DE,Delaware,Scripture,

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