
13 tips to become a good programmer: A beginner's guide

13 tips to become a good programmer: A beginner's guide Becoming skilled at anything requires determination and perseverance. Gaining expertise in programming is no different. I teach around one hundred students every year at the University of Texas at El Paso. I generally teach Programming, Data Science/Mining, and Algorithms courses. Based on what I have seen over the past years as a faculty member and a researcher is those who work hard and use an organized way of learning become skilled quickly.

I describe 13 tips in this video.
1. Decide which programming language you should learn first.
2. Build a list of related resources.
3. Study slow but get back to programming every day.
4. Give a structure to your study.
5. Solve middle and high school math problems using programming.
6. Test yourself.
7. Learn problem-solving; do not memorize codes.
8. Do not stop right when the code works; think about critical inputs.
9. Write programs to solve the same problem multiple times.
10. Work on projects that you own.
11. Figure out essentials after you learn your first programming language.
12. Read programs written by others.
13. Ask questions.

Here is our post on how one can choose the first programming language to learn:

Here is the link to our Free Java Programming Language Course:

Dr. Shahriar Hossain and Dr. Monika Akbar

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