
Things I Wish I Knew: Building Our New House #Skypod | Kryz Uy

Things I Wish I Knew: Building Our New House #Skypod | Kryz Uy It's been almost a year since the project #Skypod commenced and just a couple of month ago we have started living in it! We often joke around saying that it is our first baby... and I can say that it's partly true. After all, this is one of the first big (huge) project we handled as a couple and the hours we spent on planning, designing and actually building it are so memorable.

It's amazing how an idea turned into something physical and I'm overwhelmed with joy knowing that this is a home for the family we will make. It makes growing older together more meaningful and it truly makes you excited for the years to come.

I've written the things I want to share with you, this time on my personal insight and the things I learned over the course of building our nest. I hope that in my own happy way I am able to give you a slice of what it meant for me to build our dream house.

Let's dive in!

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