
The following obligations apply to a particular company. Which of the

The following obligations apply to a particular company. Which of the The following obligations apply to a particular company. Which of them should be valued in the companys accounting records, and how would you go about valuing them? a. The companys promise to deliver 10 units of instrument A by the 15th of next month to customer M b. As part of the contract described in part a, the company agrees to pay customer M a $1,000 penalty for every day the delivery is late c. A two-year employment contract with a well-respected scientist d. The employees expectation that they will receive a handsome end-of- year bonus e. The five-year lease on the companys premises, where 4.5 years of the lease term remain, and the lease calls for monthly payments of $20,000 f. A contract with a major supplier that requires the company to accept delivery of, and pay for, 14,000 metric tons of material over the next year, where the fixed price on the contract being 20 percent below the price the company would now have to pay to other suppliers for equiv- alent material g. A three-year contract with a consulting firm to assist in improving scheduling in all of the companys plants h. Warranty provisions on a recently introduced product, where recent evidence suggests that about 25 percent of all units supplied to cus- tomers since the product introduction will require warranty repair 1. The companys promise to customer N to rebate $2,000 if the cus- tomer is not fully satisfied with the quality of the products shipped to the customer this month


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