
The Attack On UK NHS, Kaiser & The Privatization of Healthcare

The Attack On UK NHS, Kaiser & The Privatization of Healthcare WorkWeek looks at the efforts to privatize the National Healthcare System NHS in the United Kingdom with healthcare expert Caroline Molloy of Molloy was attending the Global Nurses Assembly in San Francisco on September 14, 2019 which was sponsored by CNA NNU. Healthcare workers from 21 countries were attending the global conference.
She also discusses the role of Kaiser and other corporations to privatize the NHS in the United Kingdom
For more information:
"Fix It Now"! Tens of Thousands March in London To Defend UK National Healthcare Service NHS!

The NHS is already on the table. But here's exactly how Trump wants to sharpen the knives

Global Nurses Solidarity Assembly In San Francisco & Nurses Speak Out

WorkWeek Radio
Production of Labor Video Project


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