
Signs everywherr ! WE NEED TO KNOW the enemy's devices, but MAKE KNOWN Gods Grace !

Signs everywherr ! WE NEED TO KNOW the enemy's devices, but MAKE KNOWN Gods Grace ! One only need to look up to realize there is something dark occuring there. There is a storm of unprecedented proportions and importance looming on the horizon. It's a harbinger of what is to come soon, or I should say Who is to come. One day in the near future, the sky will crack open and roll back like a scroll, the trumpet Lord will sound and The Living Word of God, Jesus, will descend with a shout to come for his bride - the church. Are we living as if this could happen at any moment? Because it CAN and WILL happen so fast there's no time for repentance when it does. Turn to Him today and if you already know Him as Saviour, tell others that the Dispensation of Grace is coming to a close. God-bless each and every one of you with the peace that passes all understanding in in this lost and dying world


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