
Indians have threatened to block this American AGAIN!!

Indians have threatened to block this American AGAIN!! Dear World! This short video is to show you how speaking my mind is causing Indians to threaten to shut me up-- AGAIN! Firstly, I have NEVER insulted any Indians personally. Although I have been personally insulted in every video and every comment I made!!

What I have done is to show to the world the reality in Indian Occupied Kashmir. I have used American, German, BBC, Al Jazeerah and even Indian sources in my videos. I have NOT used Pakistani sources! Go and check all that out. I am NOT lying!! But once again people have threatened to block me! That is unfair!!

Yes, I have called Indian Mr Modi a Hitler. And I think he is that! Modi was BANNED from entering my country not long ago!! Also, do you see that we Americans can call our own President Hitler?! We call our American Presidents all kinds of names. No one gets banned because of that!! We Americans have a free society. India is not a free society!! India is NOT the biggest democracy in the world. It is the biggest HYPOCRISY in the world!!

But I want to say to the peace loving Indians. I know you are out there. You are like the silent Germans in Hitler Nazi Germany. I am not against you. I am with you! My love and peace to you peace loving Indians. But don't stay silent ANYMORE!!

Some important notices. I am going to have my own website called . I am also going to work on my Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram sites.

I have backed up my channel videos. Please feel free to share my videos with others. You don't even have to give me any credit!!
And if people block me for just calling Modi a Hitler or exposing problems in India--then should know I can FIGHT back!! I am a law abiding patriotic Christian American woman. I am NO 'Jihadi Wife' as you Indians are calling me!! Senator Lindsey Graham was born and raised not far from my home! I have the access to my Senators, Congressmen, and my America media.

I can even go to Washington DC and raise the issue of Indian IT moles in my country. These fifth columnists are a danger to my country America!!
Today they threaten to block me. Tomorrow they an block any American for anything these moles don't like.
God Bless all good people of this world!


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