
If Abortion Was Stopped How Do You Ensure The Welfare Of Neglected And Unwanted Children?

If Abortion Was Stopped How Do You Ensure The Welfare Of Neglected And Unwanted Children? TZ updoot r/mr Storytime with watchers aliens reddit reddify that ask sir reddit

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Pro-Life people of reddit, if abortion was stopped what would be the plan to ensure the welfare of the thousands of neglected and unwanted children? r/AskReddit

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idk why the term "pro-life" comes with the assumption that I want to ban abortion completely, but I would much rather put resources towards expanding access to multiple forms of birth control instead of normalizing abortion as anything but an emergency procedure.

I would much rather put resources towards expanding access to multiple forms of birth control instead of normalizing abortion

You are honestly the first pro-life advocate I have come across who also advocates for various forms of birth control. That generally is not the case with pro-life advocates (for examples, their efforts to shut down Planned Parenthood).

Please stop responding with, "I'm pro-life and pro-birth control" when you're "pro-buy-your-own-birth-control." I'm obviously talking about government funded birth control, hence the Planned Parenthood example. If you're against abortion and against government funded birth control and sex education, you're an idiot.

Do what they did in Ireland. Send the women to institutions, knock them out during labour, tell them the baby died. Sell the baby off for adoption. Profit! Seriously, this happened to thousands of babies over decades.

Or they just dumped them into the septic tanks of the laundries the women were forced to work in. Sometimes for the rest of their lives.

Doesn't seem like anyone's too concerned about the thousands we already have.

Hundreds of thousands. HUNDREDS. Of thousands.

Indeed. 300k in foster care last time I looked at the number. But only 1 to 10 to Christian Churches. (3M)

That's 'kids in care', the majority of which are placed with family members. The recent numbers I'm familiar with are closer to 500,000 children who have been removed from their caretakers and are under court supervision.

Actual foster care and group home placements probably account for about 25% or less of that number, nationally. Which is still a over 100,000 kids, though. And family placements aren't always perfect, either. It's quite common that we do a removal, and place with a family member. And then have to remove, again, from the family member that we placed them with.

Source: I work for CPS.

I don't have an answer for this. But I have a baby with special needs. I was given the option to abort but choose not to. Not for religious reasons or being anti abortion I just felt like having the kid was the right choice. Unfortunately I've come to realize there's very little government help for special needs kids. I "make to much money" for any assistance. I'm lucky enough that he gets free healthcare but that is it. If people are so against abortion than there needs to be more resources. I was under the impression that there would be a lot more help and there simply isn't. I love my son and I don't regret him at all. I just wish I could afford to send him to a licensed daycare that could give him the care he needs while I work.

An affordable adoption process.

Just go with the old plan of letting them run around in the streets till they're old enough to become career criminals.

Or drafted troops! :D

Now that's thinking like an American.

This question completely ignores the pro life stance and it's almost nonsensical from that standpoint.

Imagine there was a policy in place where we just kill off all homeless people. A new law is proposed that stops this practice. Are you going to ask "What is your alternative plan to dealing with these homeless people, if we're not going be able to kill them anymore?" Is that the question you would really ask?


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