

I was BEATEN UP and the PASSERS-BY SAW IT Hey everyone! My name is Leo, and I want to tell you my story about people’s indifference and how I got really beaten up.
I was brought up strictly. My parents believed that they must educate a good person. So, they did their best for this. I went to sports, military school and so on. I just didn’t have any time to be naughty. Moreover, my friends were the same. They were used to the military discipline and order.
Anyway, I was a just an ordinary kid, despite a lot of concepts in my head. Mostly, the concepts were about duty, rules and responsibilities of a good citizen. So, no surprise I was the main volunteer of the city, and I also helped in the animal shelter. Old people really loved me though some kids from the neighbourhood hated. Physically I was stronger, so nobody touched me. Even punks would behave as the real gentlemen in my presence.
Of course, I loved comics about superheroes. My favourite one was Batman. A man without real superpowers who nevertheless was strong and protected the city from crimes. That was for me. I dreamed that when I grow up, I would also become such an honest and fair man like him.
Anyway, what was going on in my head was sometimes unclear even to me. At school I realised that sometimes you should do good with your fists. If the high school seniors were screwing out money from little kids, simple talks just would not help. So, I often fought with them. But knowing my character, teachers didn’t punish me. They even praised me for my courage.
Somehow I believed that the justice is everywhere and everyone should act on their conscience. But I completely ignored the real world. However it reminded me of itself one day.
I was 15 and I was walking home from training. Suddenly I heard a girl screaming! Something flashed in my head and I rushed for the rescue mission without even thinking. At the corner I saw three sportsmanlike skinhead guys attacking one fragile girl. She cried and resisted.
I immediately rushed to them. I even managed to knock-out one bastard. Then a fight began. I was literally beaten up by these guys right in the middle of the street. What’s worse – that girl for whom I wanted to become a knight, shot everything on her phone. But passers-by didn't care what was going on.
Obviously, these guys didn’t want to show any mercy for me. They even kicked me with their legs. I was waiting for someone to come to rescue me because that’s what I would do. Or, at least, call the police. But nobody cared that some bullies were beating up a schoolboy. At that moment, along with my blood, my faith in humanity was flowing down on the pavement.
Then they left and so did the girl. For the sake of her I was in such a stupid situation. But she was laughing and muttering something about this video blowing up YouTube. I lied on the pavement and no one hurried to help me.
I could hardly remember how I crawled back and then lie in hospital. The only thing I knew for sure was that I didn’t want to be a hero anymore. If nobody cares, why should I?
As the «souvenirs» of my failed rescue I got broken fingers on my right hand. I still can’t move them fully. I have a metal pin in the spine and I feel a wild pain in my joints when the weather is bad. Just like old people. Great motivation for good and heroic deeds.
No, I didn't go over to the «dark side». But now instead of throwing myself into a fight, I just call the police. I didn’t become completely indifferent, but my life and health somehow became more important. I also quit volunteering. Now I help only in the animal shelter. Well, sometimes I also help old ladies to carry the bags.
I didn't make it to be a hero. But, to be honest, maybe no one needs a hero? Heroes live only on the pages of comics. They are the past. Now we have specially trained people for such cases and the court. I don't know if it’s right or wrong, but I decided to become a vet instead of a military man or a lawyer, as I planned when I was a kid. I think animals are somehow more grateful than people.
People, I may sound trivial, but don’t stay indifferent to others and don’t just go by. Like if you understand how important it is – to always stay human. And, you know, you do not need «extra powers» in the situations where the police can help. Sometimes the good should not be just with fists, but also with brains.

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