
Egypt IS Named After Anunnaki Enki|Ptah. Story of Marduk|Ra Ningishzidda|Thoth.

Egypt IS Named After Anunnaki Enki|Ptah. Story of Marduk|Ra Ningishzidda|Thoth. Do You the true origins of Egypt? Have You ever considered that the Anunnaki God Enki Ea is Ptah? Did You know that Ptah is the founder creator God of the first capital city of Egypt known as Memphis? How does Marduk or Ra and Ningishzidda or Thoth fit into Egypt? Do You think that Atlantis has anything to do with Egypt? How does the other Anunnaki such as Enlil and Ninhursag tie into this story about the creator Gods of Egypt? This video uncovers some hidden truths that may surprise YOU. Thank You God and You for Watching. Spirit of God is a nonprofit corporation. Contact email:😀


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