
Common man portable shoulder fired Anti-tank launchers used during the Vietnam war

Common man portable shoulder fired Anti-tank launchers used during the Vietnam war In this video we will look at some of the most common man portable anti-tank rocket and grenade launcher weapon systems utilized by both the U.S., ARVN & its allies, as well as the NVA & Vietcong during the Vietnam war.

Below are a few links to some of the good references I used about the weapon systems to film this video.

M20 & its variants Super Bazooka:

M72 and its variants Light Anti-tank Weapon (LAW):

RPG-2 aka B-40

RPG-7 aka B-41

-Big thanks to my buddy Bruce for helping to film this video. Please check out his channel at:

Hope you found this video useful and enjoyable, thanks for watching!


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