
Aquarius Mid-September (15th - 30th) 'The Inner Storm That Just Wont Quit'

Aquarius Mid-September (15th - 30th) 'The Inner Storm That Just Wont Quit' #Aquarius #Tarot #Astrology

2 questions via email - $30
20 Min Personalized Tarot video - $50
Natal Chart Reading - $100
5-day Vibrational Mastery Video Course - $199

Payments and Donations send to -
Instagram @isaaccardinarts

Description of my Video Course -

in the course I will be sending you one video each day for 5 days and you will have access to these videos indefinitely. I will be leaving them up for everyone who buys the course to return to as many times as they like, so you can follow along for the 5 days or take your time and space it out. It is entirely up to you!

The videos themselves are about 30 - 50 minutes depending on the day and they will guide you through all the info you need as well as a number of meditation techniques, ultimately giving you a 'toolkit' for managing your vibration far beyond the 5 days.

Here is a brief rundown of each day -

Days 1 - 3 explain the nature of our vibratory reality, your place in it and how to actively participate as the co-creator of your world. These Videos also take you through specific guided meditations that you will be able to put into use for the rest of your life. You will also be given a bit of 'homework' to make sure you are constantly raisin your vibration higher and higher.

Day 4 is all about how to contact spirit guides, and angels using certain symbols and techniques.

Day 5 shows you an introduction to the kaballistic tree of life and takes you on guided meditations using the tree that allow you to unlock new levels of your own mind and tap into new abilities like mental and astral projection.

If you are interested, I can have the first video sent to you within a few hours of payment. Here is the link for your convenience

Tarot,Card,reading,Horoscope,Aries,Taurus,Gemini,Cancer,Leo,Virgo,Libra,Scorpio,Sagittarius,Capricorn,Aquarius,Pisces,Astrology,Zodiac,vibration,law of attraction,spirituality,meditation,channeling,abraham hicks,bashar,bentinho Massaro,

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