
Why I believe it is important to consider Marianne Williamson for President

Why I believe it is important to consider Marianne Williamson for President I have personally known Marianne Williamson for 30 years. I have found her to be a thinker of great depth. Many people, based on her spiritual background, classify her and do not take the time to actually read her rigorous and robust policy proposals ( One of the key points of her campaign is the responsibility we have as citizens to get involved in the American political process to ensure that our government is structured in such a way as to properly protect the rights of life. liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Her views on undue corporate influence on the government, more judicious spending on defence, investment in education to further our future economy, slave reparations and Native American justice, climate emergency, and the need to align all of our policies to the goal of creating a world that works for everyone are, in my view, necessities. I hope you will take the time to read through Williamson's policy proposals and consider for yourself.


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