
What It Costs To Live In Varna - Bulgaria

What It Costs To Live In Varna - Bulgaria In this video, I want to show you in a simple way how much it cost us to live in Varna, Bulgaria.

For those who wonder what is the app for budgeting and tracking your expenses:

This video is a little messy, I know.
But I still wanted to upload it although it wasn't perfect.

I tried to break it up into a few categories that will be easier for you to understand and relate.

The cost of living in Varna in our case was calculated as digital nomads.
We stayed in Varna for a month and a half so the costs are for people staying at least 1 month in Bulgaria.
So no further ado lets dive right into it - - -

The costs per month in Varna for a couple:

1) Home - Rental - 600-860$ USD
2) Groceries - 350-370$ USD
3) Going Out - 115-127$ USD (eating outside, meeting with friends)
4) Transportation (taxi in the city) - 46$ USD
[** Car rental for two weekends - 70-72$ USD]
5) Health Insurence - 115$ USD
6) Other - 83-100$ USD
* The 'Other' category it's really something that depends on you.
For us the costs of making this video
and this one too 馃憠
is part of it.

So let's sums it up...
Living in a luxury complex with a pool, security, a few minutes walk from the beach. Eating like a king, traveling with taxis around the city, keeping your health insured and stay entertained - it's all cost us:
Around 1500-1630$ USD [1385€ or ₪5680 ILS]

After living in Varna we can say it's definitely worth it, it's cheap living there and you can keep a high-quality lifestyle with low budget. You can travel cheap, live cheap and eat good food.
Besides that, if you want to make it with a lower amount you can do it with no problem.

AND...Don't forget these costs are for a couple - two people, big luxury apartment and eating for two.

For those who wonder what is the app for budgeting and tracking your expenses:


Where I book flight from -

Where I book my hotels from -


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