Bengaluru-based furniture and appliance rental startup RentoMojo is raising nearly Rs.28 crore in a funding round led by Samsung's VC arm SVIC, as per regulatory filings. Japanese insurance giant Mitsui Sumitomo's VC arm MSIVC is also participating in the round. RentoMojo was founded in 2014 by IIT Madras alumni Geetansh Bamania and Ajay Nain. #sutathu,#rentomojo,#samsung,#vc,#svic,#startup
bengaluru-based,rental startup,rentomojo,rs.28,samsung,vc,svic,regulatory filings,japanese insurance,mitsui sumitomo,msivc,iit madras,geetansh bamania,ajay nain,RentoMojo to raise 28 crore led by Samsung s VC arm SVIC,