
Remainers Triggered by Brexit Prorogation Threat!

Remainers Triggered by Brexit Prorogation Threat! Please note I made an error in the video by saying - for some inexplicable reason - that the 14th of October was after Brexit Day! The correct info is in the text below.

The Remainer MPs have been well and truly triggered by the news that Boris Johnson may have sought legal advice in the last few days on shutting down parliament for five weeks by prorogation.


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The Observer is reporting that the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, has asked for legal advice from the Attorney General, Geoffrey Cox, on shutting down parliament via the process of prorogation, for a five week period, in the run up to Brexit.

The shadow Brexit Secretary, Keir Starmer, Tweeted:

"To suspend parliament at this crucial time is outrageous. MPs must take the earliest opportunity to take Johnson on and defeat him."

While independent MP Luciana Berger said that parliament should be recalled immediately and MPs should be sitting every day up until October the 31st.

And Labour Party MP Jess Phillips Esquire, yes that's how she refers to herself, Tweeted:

"I'm absolutely fuming tonight. I will not let Boris Johnson act like a tinpot dictator without a fight. I'll personally follow him everywhere and keep reminding him of his lies and inadequacies. Every step he takes in parliament I'll ring a bell behind him and shout shame."

Remainer Tory MP and former Attorney General, Dominic Grieve, said:

"This memo, if correct, shows Boris Johnson’s contempt for the House of Commons. It may be possible to circumvent the clear intention of the House of Commons in this way but it shows total bad faith. Excluding the house from a national crisis that threatens the future of our country is entirely wrong."

As regular viewers will know, prorogation is where the Privy Council in the form of four ministers including the Lord President of the Privy Council, Jacob Rees-Mogg, as well as the Prime Minister, meet with the Queen and advise her to shut down parliament using the powers she has under her Personal Royal Prerogative.

Once in force, MPs would be unable to meet as a parliament to pass any laws at all.

And the Observer says it has seen an E-Mail involving senior government advisers and a Number Ten adviser, that it says makes it clear that Boris has recently sought legal guidance on this.

And it goes on to say that the correspondence indicates that proroguing parliament could be possible. Unless the case brought in the Edinburgh Court of Sessions by Remainer MPs is successful in asking for a ruling to say that the PM does not have the right to do this.

There is another potential block to such a lengthy prorogation and that is the Northern Ireland (Executive Formation) Act 2019.

If you remember, Remainer MPs and Lords managed to get an amendment put into the Act that requires that Parliament be recalled to debate Northern Ireland issues, if it is prorogued in September and October.

Although, as I've pointed out before, I'm not sure that it received the blessing of Royal Consent to interfere with the Royal Prerogative prior to it being passed into law.

And the reports do say that the E-Mail says that a central part of seeking this advice is ascertaining whether or not circumventing this part of the Act could be lawfully achieved.

Now on to the dates involved: it looks like Boris could be planning to prorogue parliament on the 9th of September.

This would then take us right up to the 14th of October, well on the way to Brexit Day and leaving almost no time for a Remainer plot to develop.

Can you imagine the look on the John Bercow's face, he's the one that said prorogation would not be allowed to happen but who as the Speaker of the House of Commons would be playing a central part in any such parliamentary event. You can really imagine him acting like a spoilt brat over it, can't you?

Now, a Number Ten spokesman did not deny the story, but just said that legal advice was always being asked for over many issues.

But this news will probably have Remainers rushing around like the proverbial headless farmyard occupants, but failing in their haste to agree on anything.





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