
Patreon, We're In The BUILDING!

Patreon, We're In The BUILDING! You can now contribute towards my content here:

Hey Patreon sound the alarms… the bearded man is IN THE BUILDING! For those who don’t know, this is a membership platform that helps creatives get paid and starting TODAY I’ve launched mine.

I’ve created a 5 tier system for people to contribute towards the bearded man content if they’re able to do so. As many of you know, I’ve funded all of my content over the last 3 years by driving full-time for Uber. As grateful as I am for the platform, nothing would be more exciting for me then to be able to create full-time. Imagine daily bearded content? What a world we would live in!

This is designed to give you guys + gals access to even more content from me as well as a more behind the scenes look at to what I’ve got COOKING UP! Please do not feel you have to contribute.

If you have the funds and are able to do so… I would greatly appreciated it!

head to my page to learn more:

Thanks for all the continued support, we’re still just getting started!
Your favorite bearded man,
- Bobbbaaaay

Connect with your favorite bearded man, Bobbbaaaay:
Instagram - @Bobbbaaaay :
Twitter - @Bobbbaaaay :

Purpose in the Youth Podcast
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Patreon,Bobby Hobert,bobbbaaaay,your favorite bearded man,purpose in the youth,purpose in the youth podcast,

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